
Once upon a time, in the Before Times (call it the 1990s), software engineers would add to an otherwise boring login by displaying additional things like time, date or weather. Another was to display a random fortune. Some are movie quotes, some are literary quotes and some are just fortunes. Some are profane and some are a little profound. This bit of code accesses an online API to generate a fortune and display it.

Credit to HelloACM , which provides and hosts the API for this and many other cool things.

Staff Spotlight

This is our Staff Spotlight where we focus on some of the folks who help make us who we are!

Dion Cooley

Fun Club President

Quote: "Associate yourself with men of good quality, if you esteem your own reputation; for 'tis better to be alone than in bad company. " - George Washington.
Home Town: Phoenix, AZ.

Anibal Gates

Conversation Architect

Quote: "Everything starts with a dream. A particle of our imagination that teases us of what the future could be like, as long as we fight for it." - Gurbaksh Chahal.
Home Town: Spokane, WA.

Emmanuel Chase

Website Manager

Quote: "Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak." - Sun Tzu.
Home Town: Passadena, CA.

Damon May

Random Engineer

Quote: "You're only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it." - Robin Williams.
Home Town: Biloxi, MS.

Credit to HelloACM for the random identity generator, for the AI generated headshots and Pixabay for the random backgrounds and inspirational quotes provided by ZenQuotes API


This is a place where I break things while I learn things. It is experimental and volatile and parts will sometimes be broken. I do a variety of things that change often and sometimes without warning and typically reflect things I'm curious about.

Darrin Mossor

Human Adjacent

Quote: "I wonder what happens when I do this!"